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Winter in LIPTOV

29.11.2024 - 13.04.2025

Enjoy a great stay in Liptov and skiing in Jasná. We are looking forward to see you. The Macko family.



06.03.2025 - 29.06.2025

Enjoy a great stay in Liptov. SPRING in LIPTOV- affordable stays during the week with BREAKFAST AND SWIMMING POOL and great ...

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04.03.2016 - 06.03.2016

We invite you to the fifth and sixth day of March 2016 and in the ski resort Jasna Low Tatras will host the World Cup competitions in women's alpine skiing giant slalom (5. 3) and slalom (6. 3) women.

RACE 3.5 - 03.06.2016

Fifth and sixth day of March 2016 in the ski resort Jasna Low Tatras held World Cup competitions in women's alpine skiing giant slalom (5. 3) and slalom (6. 3) women. The Centre will host the most famous personalities of the contemporary women's skiing. Slovakia should have a lead in the - Veronika Velez Zuzulova and Petra Vlhova.

EVENTS 3.4 - 03.06.2016

During the event, visitors can enjoy a number of accompanying events Jasna, animation program, concerts of famous bands, fashionable and unique light show, a stylish dinner party, interesting competitions with valuable prizes and of course amazing race atmosphere on the slopes of Chopok.

Resort Jasna - SKI ARENA full of fun

Jasna Low Tatras is the biggest ski area in Slovakia with excellent conditions for winter sports. On both sides of Chopok (2024 m) Ski emotions will discover the 46 km of perfectly groomed slopes, 12 in freeride zones recognize genuine gourmet experience a taste of the rich nadielka of event. Clearly has its energy charge, you'll love not only for skiing, but also because of the stylish party at the après-ski bar and music club Happy End. Best ski resort will positively surprise the most modern cable cars and high quality service.


Jasna is a traditional ski resort, where in the late 70's, collect points slopes Swedish legend Ingemar Stenmark. World Cup competitions are held three times in Jasna. Between 1979 and 1982 they competed in the context of the Grand Prix of caves men, women in 1984. Last rehearsal was world-class at Chopok in February 2014, when the Jasna place Junior World Championships in Alpine disciplines. At the beginning of a new era resort was a dream that sometime in the future the World Cup will return to Jasna. Today, the future becomes the present.

Learn more at the official website:

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